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My Bees 

I purchased my bees from a local supplier in a large container called a NUC. It stands for Nucleus. There will be somewhere near 10,000 worker bees, a queen, male drones, and 5 frames of (2-3) brood, (1) pollen and (1) honey. A 3 pound package is also an option but it's less optimal unless you are replacing an existing colony in a hive with frames that are already built out with wax.

There are many species of bees. The most common sold here locally are Italian and Carniolan. Italian bees are considered very calm and not usually aggressive. However, they are defensive at the hive if they are in a bad mood. Yes, they can have bad days. especially if they have been defending against large animals like skunks, raccoons, bears or other insect enemies like hornets, wasps, or robbing bees. I have selected a location for my bees in the wooded area pictured below. (5 & 6 ) See myhives for more info on my hives and construction.

Bee hives are normally located facing Southeast. This allows their hive to get the sunrise as early as possible and get the bees up and moving/foraging. The colony requires a warm environment for the baby (brood) bees. 93 degrees °F is the temperature that the bees maintain the hive year around. On warmer days, they gather water droplets and spread them around the hive and fan them for cooling. In colder weather, they cluster around the brood and queen and also fan their wing muscles to generate heat. They are a wonder of nature!


      Queen centered Queen laid egg  

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This site was last updated 06/18/17